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Cross-Net by Cotesi


Cross-Net by Cotesi


Cotesi recently developed not just an innovative product, but a totally new concept of net wrap: a cross weft construction protected by an international patent to combine performance and protection for the crops. Better resistance on the bale: With performance levels never seen before, this construction allows a perfect spreading of the net over the entire bale and a better protection of the crop against the weather.
  • Advantages
    • Disruptive: Double weft construction protected by an international patent application.
    • More protection for the crops: greater resistance on the bale;
    • Cross X-Pand by Cotesi withstand more pressure due to the double weft construction;
    • Benefit in the handling process and reduced loss in transportation: protected and plasticized bale.
    • Uniform bale with a smooth surface.
  • Applications
    • Silage
    • Hay
    • Straw
  • Feedback
    "There were no issues with the netwrap, it worked well in the baler, and it worked very well for the amount of time I used it, wrapping around the bales edges, it is the best of any brand of netwrap I've used before".
    A. Vanderslip (Ontario, Canada)

    "Thank you for letting me be apart of your net wrap trial. The net wrap worked really well in my krone round baler. I was impressed by how well it covered the edge of the bale but more impressed with how it helped to level off the shoulders of the bale. I would use and recommend this netwrap."
    J. Piersma (Ontario, Canada)

    “The Cross-Net Netwrap coverage was better than some other Net and never had a feeding or cutting issue . We have since moved the bales and the netwrap was strong enough that it did not rip like the others. Overall our experience was great with the Cross-Net Netwrap , thanks for letting us try your Product“ 
    J. Nussbaum (Montana, USA)

    "Thanks for letting us test the (Cross-Net) netwrap. It had great coverage and stretch. Never missed a cutting on the entire roll and  I would definitely recommend it!"
    C. Beech (Montana, USA)

    "On the netwrap that Amjay brought for me to Demo in my JD 569 Baler, worked very well. The netwrap fed with no trouble. It also kept a tight wrap on the bale. Excellent Product!"
    B. Kraft (Montana, USA)

    "This netwrap worked great. I used it all (64 X 7000 Cross-Net) and did not have one problem. I would use it again. Thank you!" 
    D. Mydland (Montana, USA)

  • UV Protection

  • Quality ID Number

  • Laboratory Testing

  • Roll Loading Direction Indicators

  • End Warning
