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Grand Harvest Pine Straw

Grand Harvest Pine Straw

Pine Straw Net wrap for mini balers: less down time due to roll length. Larger size net wrap, up to 8000'. We can provide private labelling for customers, depending on quantities ordered.
  • Advantages
    • Smooth uniform cut everytime with no unrolls due to cutting failure;
    • No adjustments to be made on balers for tension on rollers;
    • Consistent even edges on bales and very little wasted material;
    • Turn out more bales due to superior net wrap technology;
    • Less down time due to roll length (more time on the baler).
  • Applications
    For pine straw application.
  • Technical Informations
    • 26" x 8000' roll.
  • UV Protection

  • Quality ID Number

  • Laboratory Testing