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AM 150 Tying Twine


AM 150 Tying Twine

1500 feet per Carton. Economical source for Bundling knots well. For general purpose & nurseries.
  • Technical Informations
    Type Raw Material Packaging Color Feet Diameter
    Industrial Tying Twine Polypropylene Cardboard  white 1500 150     
    Industrial Tying Twine Polypropylene Cardboard  white 3900 390     
    Industrial Tying Twine Polypropylene Cardboard  white 4500 450     
    Industrial Tying Twine Polypropylene Cardboard  white 7000 700     
    Industrial Tying Twine Polypropylene Cardboard  white 9000 900     

    Up on request.
