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Oxygen Barriers

Oxygen Barriers

Protect from dry matter loss in your forage with Oxygen Barriers that help seal and preserve your investment.
  • Technical Informations
    • Hytibarrier 
    Thickness   Size lb/roll Rolls/pallet
    2 40*200 80 23
    2 40*500 200 8
    2 40*1000 400 2
    2 40*1150 460 2
    2 50*200 100 23
    2 50*500 250 8
    2 50*1000 500 2
    2 50*1150 575 2
    2 60*200 120 23
    2 60*500 300 8
    2 60*1000 600 2
    2 60*1150 690 2
    2 65*1150 748 2

    • Hytidouble
    Bunker cover 5 mil + Hytibarrier 2 mil
    Lb/roll Thickness Size
    272 7 40*200
    680 7 40*500
    1564 7 40*1150
    340 7 50*200
    850 7 50*500
    1955 7 50*1150
    Bunker cover 6 mil + Hytibarrier 2 mil
    Lb/roll Thickness Size
    310 8 40*200
    776 8 40*500
    1785 8 40*1150
    388 8 50*200
    970 8 50*500
    2231 8 50*1150

    Up on request.